José Castillejo Duarte

Bibliografías especializadas

Bibliografía especializada. Base de datos WOS

Obras sobre el autor

  • Vina Rouco,Mar
    A notorious antecedent of the communicative approach in foreign language teaching and the European opening in the early 20(th) century Spain: a historical memory of language teaching
    Porta Linguarum
    2009, 11, 51 - 64

    Castillejo,jose - Last Stages of the Institucion-Libre-De-Ensenanza - Spanish - Palaciosbunuelos,l
    Hispania-Revista Espanola De Historia
    1980, 146, 692 - 697

    Conversation with Carande,ramon about Castillejo,jose and the Institucion-Libre-De-Ensenanza
    Revista De Occidente
    1986, 66, 95 - 102

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    Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás
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